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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

CSS Slider

Welcome to designers blog here i have posted If you are looking for a fast and light-weight WYSIWIG image image slider for your clients, works without any jQuery, nor JavaScript.


Go to


Select the banner animation you like


Select the banner animation you like and download the Css slider set up file for windows


Just Drag and drop the images and select the animation effects u desire and publish or save the file into html


No watermark is applied on this banner. so Enjoy Folks

Sunday, July 6, 2014

how to import local sever database to live server database

Welcome to designers blog here i have posted how to  import local sever database to  live server

database in wordpress


Export the database from local server phpmyadmin - databasename themes


 Go to live server - Create new - new Database name - which is start with prefix  Cre8tive_

so we have to give our new database with name called Cre8tive_webdeal

We have to create the username and password for the database


Add user to database selecting in drop-down menu and add


Make sure all the privileges tick and  click make changes


Go to PhpMyAdmin u will see the added database name - Cre8tive_webdeal


Now you have to import the database  themes to live server

 live server database name is Cre8tive_webdeal  and the local database is themes so there is

major different in case you upload it  will get fail


To import the local database to live server u have open the export file themes.sql  in the notepad

 or Dreamweaver  editor and change the database  : cre8tive_webdeal

-- Database: `cre8tive_webdeal`
CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `cre8tive_webdeal` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;
USE `cre8tive_webdeal`;

Now u can import the file successfully


Changing the Site URL

Now you need to change the site URL, so you can setup your live WordPress site. In your

phpMyAdmin, look for the wp_options table in your database that we just imported in step 4. If you

 changed your database prefix, then instead of wp_options it might be {prefix}_options.

Click on the browse button next to wp_options or the link that you see in the sidebar to open the

page with a list of fields within the wp_options table. See screenshot below:

Under the field options_name, you need to look for siteurl. Click the Edit Field icon which can be

found at the far left at the beginning of the row.

When you click the edit field, an edit field window will appear. In the input box for option_value,

you will see the URL of your local install probably something like: http://localhost/test.

Carefully insert your new site url in this field, for example: Save the

field by clicking the Go button.Next, you need to replicate this step for the option name: home. The

wp_options page can be a few pages long, so simply find the home tab. Usually it is on the second

page which you can navigate to by clicking on the pagination arrows in phpMyAdmin.

Update the home url to be the same as your siteurl.


You have to change the WP-config file since you have upload or install WordPress form your local

server files.

Open the Wp-config file and change the

1.define('DB_NAME', 'cre8tive_webdeal'');

2. define('DB_USER', 'cre8tive_web');

3.define('DB_PASSWORD', 'web123');

// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'cre8tive_webdeal');

/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'cre8tive_web');

/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'web123');

/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');

/** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */
define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');

/** The Database Collate type. Don't change this if in doubt. */
define('DB_COLLATE', '');


Now Access the Live url  you will see the similar local server files

Enjoys folks .........................

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Updraged windows 7 to 8 or 8.1 wampserver

Welcome to designers blog here i have posted how to Upgraded wampserver when you upgrade the

operating system to


1.Window 7  to windows 8

2. windows 8 to  windows 8.1

Click on wampmanager -> MySQL -> Service -> Install Service

Click on wampmanager -> Apache -> Service -> Install Service


Then restart all services


When Green Symbol comes your Wamp Server in Active . Enjoy Folks.................................

Validating to select in sequencial order using angular

    < input type = "checkbox" (change) = "handleSelectTaskItem($event, taskItem)" [checked] = " taskItem . i...