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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Datatype -  Strongly datatype

Basis of memory allocation, data types are classified in two types

1. Value Types - which will allocated the value in stack. = >  int a =10;
2. Reference Types  - which will store the value in the Heap but store the reference in Stack  = String = "Tp";

Stack -  all the memory location of program like method, variable all will store in stack.

Stack  - int a =10  (value types)  S (Reference type)
Heap -                 Tp

Bulk value will be taken care by heap.
Stack stores the fixed values if u store all the values in
stack it will get overloaded and proogram will get terminate so that we are using Heap

 string f = c ?? "Faizal"; // coalescing operator ??

1. Arithmetic Operators =>  + , - , *, /,  % (modulus) , ++, -- increase and decrease by1

Used for mathematical Calculation

2. Relational / Comparison operators =>  ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=

Returns the Boolean value after comparing

3. Logical Operation=> delays with boolean and return boolean too
 &&  - True or false
 ||  - True or false

 ! - if its true will return false
      if its flas ewill return true

Ternary operators  three operands

string s = num% 2 ==0 ? " even"  : "odd";

Friday, December 14, 2018

What is IL Code, CLR, CTS, CLS & JIT?

Welcome to designer blog, Here we are going to discuss about  What is IL Code, CLR, CTS, CLS & JIT?


IL (Intermediate Language) - Half compile code  (either it be or C# Sharp)

CLR - Common Language Run-time. 

Programmers are use high-level languages like C# and  C++  etc ... Default Compilers,  compile  C#programming to machine language( 0 and 1). so that operating system can understand.Once it compile, it will produce Assemble( .dll and .exe file).

There is one dis-advantage of default compiler is it runs only in Window Server not in Linux server

To overcome this problem we are using ".Net Application" it compiles the C#, and other languages and  produce assembly(.Dll or EXE) in IL code  (Intermediate language).. CLR  is the heart of the .net application which  converts IL Code to  Native code so that operating system can understand

IL   -  CLR (Windows, Linux) -  Operating sytem

        JIT Compiler(Just In-Time Compiler ) in CLR converts, the IL into native code which can then be run on the                                                underlying operating system.
         Native Code

CLR is introduced  runtime environment which converts IL Code to Native code suing JIT Compiler ..
Native code =which unix operating sytem ( o and 1) can understand

 Converts Intermediate language to Native code  where operating system can understand

CTS -  Common Type System -  Common Datatype platform 

(either you write your code in or C# Sharp)  it will have the common data type example
Dim i As Integer -
int i = 1;             -      both will have common data type int 32

CLS - Common language Specification - (Data Access Layer)
Set of rules or guidelines to following and for referencing to another .net language

You write your code in C# Sharp and it consume in that is called as Common language Specification by following CLS

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Get title attribute using each in Jquery

$("#SiteMap1 a#lnkPage").each(function() {
var title = $(this).attr('title');
if (title != null)

Validating to select in sequencial order using angular

    < input type = "checkbox" (change) = "handleSelectTaskItem($event, taskItem)" [checked] = " taskItem . i...