Welcome to designers dairy, Here we are going to discuss,How to remove special characters and codes (using jQuery) from SharePoint rendered html
It is a big headache, when you render the html in share-point, There are lot of special characters especially char code "#8203".
To remove this special code include in html while rendering the page, we have to write a jquery script
jQuery('.OnboardingOnlinePortal-wrapper').each(function(index,element) {
var exp = new RegExp(String.fromCharCode(8203),"g");
var exp = new RegExp(String.fromCharCode(8203),"g");
var editor= jQuery(element);
var txt = editor.html()
txt = txt.replace(exp,'');
txt = txt.replace(/ /g,' ')
txt = txt.replace(/ {2,}/g,' ');
return true;
In my scenario, I have included this script in the Page layout, based on your requirements, you can add in Pages or master pages.
To add the script in Page layout below is the placeholder
jQuery('.OnboardingOnlinePortal-wrapper').each(function(index,element) {
var exp = new RegExp(String.fromCharCode(8203),"g");
var exp = new RegExp(String.fromCharCode(8203),"g");
var editor= jQuery(element);
var txt = editor.html()
txt = txt.replace(exp,'');
txt = txt.replace(/ /g,' ')
txt = txt.replace(/ {2,}/g,' ');
return true;
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