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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Insert tr after every second loop using Jquery


Welcome to Designer blog, Here We are going to discuss about, How to insert tr tag to every  second loop


Now, We have the static content of the 4 columns, our requirements is to looping the tr into 2 columns


Below script

Step1 : Assigning the four variables  table1, table1, table2, table3, table4 and  passing into array.

Step2 : Assigning the Variable str with opening the table and tr Tags.

Step3 : Looping arrays and checking if condition for  2 cols and one row  using i % 2 if ((i % 2) == 0) ( if u need three cols assign i % 3)

Step4: Create a function output result  append  content in the result div


var table1 = "<td><table class='suggested-wrapper'  border='0'>" +
            "<tbody><tr> <td><img class='img-responsive' alt='' src='images/banner1.jpg'></td></tr><tr><td><table width='100%' border='0'>  <tbody>" +
                                      "<tr>" +
                                         " <td><img src='images/img1.png' class='img-circle' width='46' height='46' alt=''/></td>" +
            "                              <td><h4> Amanda Costainer </h4>" +
            "                                <small>@amandacontaine </small></td>" +
             "                             <td>...</td>" +
                                        "</tr>" +
                                      "</tbody>" +
                                    "</table></td>" +
                                " </tr>" +
                                 "<tr>" +
                                 " <td><img src='images/iconstar.jpg' width='22' align='left' height='22' alt=''/>" +
                                   "  <h3>American Dad </h3></td>" +
                                " </tr>" +
                                " <tr>" +
                                 "  <td><table width='100%' border='0'>" +
                                  "     <tbody>" +
                                    "     <tr>" +
                                    "       <td class='test'> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nonummy, nulla duis integer vestibulum sapien" +
                                     "        ac, onsectetuer nunc conubia nibh, elit sodales in nisi sit nec.</td>" +
                                        " </tr>" +
                                       "</tbody>" +
                                    " </table></td>" +
                                 "</tr>" +
                                 "<tr>" +
                                   "<td><table width='100%' border='0'>" +
                                      " <tbody>" +
                                        " <tr>" +
                                           "<td><span class='num'> 58 </span> <img src='images/smallstar.jpg' alt='' align='absmiddle'></td>" +
                                           "<td><span class='num'>Rank : 105</span></td>" +
                                           "<td class='num'><img src='images/previous.jpg' alt='' align='absmiddle'>  0</td>" +
                                        " </tr>" +
                                      " </tbody>" +
                                    " </table></td>" +
                                 "</tr>" +
                                " <tr>" +
                                  " <td width='25%'><table border='0' width='100%'>" +
                                      " <tbody>" +
                                       "  <tr>" +
                                         "  <td><span class='num'>120 </span> <img align='absmiddle' src='images/sites.jpg' alt='' ></td>" +
                                          " <td><span class='num'>300 </span><img align='absmiddle' src='images/emp.jpg' alt='' ></td>" +
                                          " <td><span class='num'>1.1k </span><img align='absmiddle' src='images/pagelikes.jpg' alt='' ></td>" +
                                          " <td><span class='num'>97 </span><img align='absmiddle' src='images/report.jpg' alt='' ></td>" +
                                           "<td><span class='num'>120</span> <img align='absmiddle' src='images/cmt.jpg' alt='' ></td>" +
                                           "<td><span class='num'>10 </span><img align='absmiddle' src='images/pageshare.jpg' alt='' ></td>" +
                                         "</tr>" +
                                       "</tbody>" +
                                     "</table></td>" +
                                " </tr>" +
                               "</tbody>" +

 var array = [table1, table2, table3, table4];

            outputResult = function (str) {
                var content = $('#results').html();
                $('#results').html(content + str);

            var str = "<table><tr>";
            for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
                if ((i % 2) == 0) {
                    var str = str + "</tr><tr>";
                var str = str + "<td>"+ array[i] + "</td>";

            var str = str + "</tr></table>";

 Enjoy Folks


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