Here we are going to discuss how to use the multiple toggle switch control by using the same function.
Here, We are having the Html Markup. List is nothing but an object of array's which data's are coming from Api...
<tr dir-paginate="list in Createinteractive | itemsPerPage: PageSize" total-items="TotalCount" current-page="CurrentPage" ng-if="!list.IsDeleted">
<i class="fa fa-toggle-on active" ng-model="list.IsActive" ng-if="list.IsActive == status == true" ng-click="changeStatus(list);"> </i>
<i class="fa fa-toggle-on fa-rotate-180 inactive" ng-if="list.IsActive == status == false" ng-click="changeStatus(list);"> </i>
Toggle switch is binded in multpile times in the grid... so when i took this toogle in the UI bootstrap , Had an issue in Having multiple times toogle switch when i click single toggle control all the switch gets fired due to calling the function without parameters..
So list has an set of arrays like this {list = Object {Id: 82, Name: "16099626-8f54-4602-8c8c-9ccba7c953aa", FeedType: 1, ImageUrl: "h
IsActive = true }
$scope.changeStatus = function(list) {
list.IsActive = !list.IsActive;
when you pass the parameters list it will trigger a particular object not all the toggle switch control fires...
Reference from :
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller('firstCtrl', function($scope){
$scope.items = [{id:1},{id:2},{id:3}];
$scope.toogle = function(i)
i.booleanVal = !i.booleanVal ;
Enjoy Folks
Here we are going to discuss how to use the multiple toggle switch control by using the same function.
Here, We are having the Html Markup. List is nothing but an object of array's which data's are coming from Api...
<tr dir-paginate="list in Createinteractive | itemsPerPage: PageSize" total-items="TotalCount" current-page="CurrentPage" ng-if="!list.IsDeleted">
<i class="fa fa-toggle-on active" ng-model="list.IsActive" ng-if="list.IsActive == status == true" ng-click="changeStatus(list);"> </i>
<i class="fa fa-toggle-on fa-rotate-180 inactive" ng-if="list.IsActive == status == false" ng-click="changeStatus(list);"> </i>
So list has an set of arrays like this {list = Object {Id: 82, Name: "16099626-8f54-4602-8c8c-9ccba7c953aa", FeedType: 1, ImageUrl: "h
IsActive = true }
$scope.changeStatus = function(list) {
list.IsActive = !list.IsActive;
when you pass the parameters list it will trigger a particular object not all the toggle switch control fires...
Reference from :
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller('firstCtrl', function($scope){
$scope.items = [{id:1},{id:2},{id:3}];
$scope.toogle = function(i)
i.booleanVal = !i.booleanVal ;
Enjoy Folks
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